
How do I create a myUSCIS company account?

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Immigration Law
How do I create a myUSCIS company account?

Company accounts with myUSCIS allow multiple members of a company to access to the account, review forms, and suggest edits to the collaborating attorney.

The Company Group has two main entities: an Administrator and Members. Each Company Group has at least one Administrator. Individuals with the “Administrator” label are the only ones with the authority to sign, pay for, and submit forms. Company Groups may have multiple Members. Members are employees within the Company Group that can help prepare the filings but do not have signatory power or the ability to pay for or submit forms. It is important to plan the creation of your Company Group ahead of time, to ensure that the individual with signatory power is properly identified as the Administrator in your account.

Setting up the Administrator Account

1. Identify the signatory within your company. This individual will become the Administrator and create the Company Group.

2. The Administrator will visit http://www.my.uscis.gov and select “Sign Up.”

USCIS login page screenshot with fields for email and password, and options to sign in or register via Login.gov. Links for password recovery and account creation are visible.

3. Enter your email address and confirm your email address. Be sure to use a company email address that you check frequently, as this will be the email that will be used on your forms and where USCIS will send you updates on any petitions filed. Click “Sign Up.”

USCIS account creation page with instructions and an email field filled with "ApplicantAccount123@gmail.com." A blue "Submit" button is below. Screenshot of a USCIS sign-in page. A message indicates a confirmation email was sent to ApplicantAccount123@gmail.com. Fields for email address and password are visible below the message.

4. An email will be sent to the email address you entered. Check your email and confirm your myUSCIS account by clicking the link in the email.

Email from USCIS with confirmation instructions including a link and expiration notice. Includes options to reply, forward, or mark as spam.

5. Create and confirm your password. Select submit.

USCIS password creation screen showing fields for password and confirmation, password strength meter indicating "Good," and a "Submit" button.

6. You will be prompted to select a two-step verification method. Select how you would like to receive verification codes to login to your account in the future. Click submit.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services page showing two-step verification options: Authentication App, SMS Text Message, and Email, with a field to enter a mobile number.

7. You will then be prompted to select password reset questions. Select 5 questions from the list and provide your answers. Click submit.

Screenshot of a form from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services with security questions and text fields for answers. Question 1 asks about a childhood teacher, and Question 2 about a first job. Screenshot of a security questions form with five questions. The answers shown are for questions about the first city visited without parents, the cousin's last name, and location on January 1, 2000.

8. Next, you will select your account type. Here, select the final option “I am part of an organization or company, a sole proprietor, or an agent.” Click submit.

Form submission page with options for accredited representatives, organization representatives, or agents. A highlighted option indicates company, sole proprietor, or agent selection.

Creating a Company Group

1. When first logging in, the Administrator will see three options. Click “Create a Company Group.”

USCIS webpage introducing company account features, with sections on creating a company group, reviewing pending invitations, and joining existing groups.

2. The Administrator will be prompted to create a Company Profile. Enter the following information and click “continue”:

    1. Company Name
    2. Doing Business As (d/b/a) Name (if any)
    3. Tax Identification Number
    4. Company Mailing Address

Form for a company profile submission, including fields for company name, tax identification number, and mailing address. A large blue arrow points to a "Continue" button at the bottom.

3. The Administrator will then be prompted to create a Personal Profile. Enter the following information:

    1. Name
    2. Business email address
    3. Mobile phone number

Profile form with fields for first name, last name, business email (example filled), and mobile phone number (empty). Includes instructions on editing information and email example format.

4. The Administrator will again be prompted to choose how they would like to receive one-time PINs for two-step login verification. Choose an option. Then, click “Create company group.” Note: If you have not been designated an Administrator for your company – do not continue.

A Company Group has now been created. The Administrator’s home page will allow them to invite both Members within the company and Legal Representatives to collaborate with their Company Group.

Notification preferences screen with options for email, mobile text message, or both. A blue button labeled "Create company group" is highlighted with a red box. Notification about creating a company group, listing abilities like handling H-1B petitions and registrations. Includes a "Get started" button.

Inviting Members

1. To add Members, the Administrator should look under the “company” tab at the top of their home page and click “manage company group.
USCIS web page showing options for "File a form" and "Manage company group." Menu includes profile and account actions. Displays case statuses: drafts and submitted. No cases shown.

2. Click “add user” and enter the invitee’s first and last name and email address. Then, assign the invitee the role of either Administrator or Member.
USCIS webpage titled "Manage Company Group" showing options to add or manage users. Table displays one user with name and role.
Form for inviting a user to a company group, requesting first name, last name, and business email. Options for user role: Administrator or Member. Buttons: Send invite and Cancel.

3. Invitees will be sent an invitation to the email address entered. Invitees should click “sign in or create an account.” Note: invitations are valid for only 7 days. The next steps need to be completed within 7 days of receiving the email invitation.

4. Invitees will take the same steps as the Administrator in creating their myUSCIS account. They will automatically be linked to the Company Group with the role assigned to them.

Inviting a Legal Representative

1. To add a Legal Representative, the Administrator should look under the “my representatives” tab at the top of their home page and click “invite a representative.”
USCIS webpage section titled "My Representatives" with options to invite a representative, manage users, and manage invitations. Two large blue arrows point to instructions and a button.

2. Enter the Representative’s first and last name and email address. Choose “send invitation.”
Add a Representative form with fields for first name, last name, and business email. Includes instructions and representative permissions. "Send invitation" button at the bottom.

3. Representatives will then be sent an email prompting them to collaborate with your Company Group.

It is important to note that Legal Representatives can only edit forms that the Legal Representative begins. If anyone within the Company Group starts a form, the Representative will not be able to view, edit, sign or submit that form.

Creating a Company Group through myUSCIS allows our clients to efficiently give suggestions on the forms, collaborate within their own organization, and ultimately saves the company money on costs and fees. If you have any questions regarding the create of a Company Group, the roles within the Company Group, or your eligibility to file online after reading this post, please feel free to contact us here: https://drbimmigration.com/contact-us/

Please contact our office to schedule a consultation appointment. During your consultation, our attorneys will review your immigration options with you and answer any questions you may have.

(312) 216-5116

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